“You have no idea what it’s like to be poor”

I heard what the woman said to me, and I was floored. It took me a minute to be able to respond.

Then I started to laugh.

If you met me right now, you would see a successful woman living in her dream home, and you might think that life has been easy for me. You might think I have no idea what it’s like to go without. 

But you would be wrong.

The truth is, there was a time when I was a single mother of 4 children under the age of 7 and homeless. That’s right. I had no plan, no skills,  no job, no education, NO IDEA.

But I had already been poor. I already knew the agony of asking myself whether I needed diapers or milk more this week and wishing they sold diapers in a package with more than one size.

Or half-size cartons of milk for half the price. 

I knew what it was like to be walking into the welfare office every few weeks to repeat my sob story of why I wasn’t big enough to take care of my own responsibilities.

And I was sick to death of it.

I was tired of trying to push forward with something while having to make sure I didn’t earn too much money or I would lose my “benefits.”

I  was exhausted from the story in my head about how pathetic my life was and always needing someone to do something for me that I should be able to do for myself.

I was so depressed about the future, thinking I had how many years of school followed by how many years of working a full-time job and leaving my babies with someone else to raise. 

I had chosen the role of a stay-at-home mother. Yet now I was forced to become the sole provider.

I dove into self-help books, only to find I was beyond help.

“I can’t even find my clear and definite purpose. I am so distracted all the time. I can’t focus on earning money and this says I have to have a definite purpose or I won’t be successful!”

That’s when it hit me. 

I had a definite purpose. I had a clear and defined choice. I wanted to be with my children. I wanted to be their mom. I wanted to be there for them. And I was good at making that happen. I worked myself out of more than one job by putting together systems that made things so efficient they didn’t need me anymore. Which was fine by me. I wanted to go home.

The problem was that I needed money. And I needed the kind of money that was at least somewhat passive. I needed 1.5 million in the bank and 5% interest to live off of each month. 

But where could I get money like that?

It took me several years to figure it out, but now, I KNOW where to get money like that. And I can show you how to do it in a fraction of the time it took me.

Click Here to Get Started with Me

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